
Elevate your Success!

Success is something we all want. Because success is viewed as positive and powerful, we all want more of it in our lives. Yet how often are you stressed out on the road to success? Do you wake up at night thinking about your work, your kids, the meaning of your life? How worried are you about that next deadline or that date with the scale? (It is bikini season!)

Our culture is so focused on climbing the “ladder of success” that we’re rarely encouraged to contemplate what’s at the top of that long, long ladder.

As we scurry upward, we’re often panicked, pressured and feel less than powerful. Some of us are known to keep climbing until our arms and legs fall off. Many of us reach the top only to realize we’ve placed our ladder up against the wrong wall; we work hard to “arrive” but we feel like we’re in the wrong place.

Success is not only a state of planning, doing and achieving (sometimes called a joyless life path of “save-slave-retire”). At Morning Crane, we believe that success is a state of Being.

If you’re at peace, content and able to take inspired positive action, you’re successful. Success is a balancing act of choice-making.

Sometimes doing nothing takes tremendous discipline and strength, especially when others are bolting up the corporate ladder and threatening to climb right over you.

That is the illusion of the ego – that we can fall behind, fall down, fall off the ladder and fail. When we access success as a state of Being, when we stop doing and start feeling, we are one step closer to enlightenment.

According to author and healer Deepak Chopra, authentic success can be defined as “the continued expansion of happiness and the progressive realization of worthy goals.”

It’s absolutely okay to have desires and to set worthy goals for yourself. Be proactive, take inspired action, celebrate your wins.

Just remember that if you define success as something outside yourself – as something to be obtained through constant action – you are missing out on your most precious blessing and your success birthright: a peaceful, mindful, inspired state of Being.

When you bring acceptance, enjoyment and enthusiasm to what you do (big or small actions), you are successful.

Below are five tips for climbing the ladder of life while practicing a state of Being that guarantees a lifetime of success.

  • Self-awareness
  • Discover your “why”
  • Create healthy relationships
  • Consistency
  • Self love and self care

We hope this month brings you success and happiness.

Love and Gratitude,
Chris & Parisa Shelton and the Morning Crane Team