

Summer is here-FINALLY, the kids say! Days lengthen. Gardens surge. Days warm but nights are still cool. Kids are off school-traffic improves! Vacation spots beckon Before you leave, join us for class so you’ll look and feel your best in your bathing suit wherever you go!


Summer Heat = Heart Fire
   Summer time relates to the Fire Element, represented in the body particularly by the Heart and its related organs. The Fire Element is about activity; movement from the sheer pleasure of being alive. Think fireworks! The great danger during this time is excess Fire. Yin-Yang theory tells us that “yin at its extreme becomes yang, and yang at its extreme becomes yin.” We all know the truth of this particularly with Fire: Strenuous activity (yang) leads to exhaus

tion (yin). With our strong sun, summer heat, and the irresistible temptation of summer sports, we must be careful to keep our Fire in check.



1) Stay hydrated. Water controls Fire, bot

h in the Five Element chart and in our bodies! Sip, rather than gulp, what you drink. A dilute solution of honey, lemon and a pinch of sea salt will help supply your body with liquid as well as sugars and electrolytes.


2) Eat appropriately for the season. Smaller meals, especially during the heat of the day, will be easier to digest. Fruits of the melon family (cucumber, zucchini, water melon, cantaloupe) will help your body stay hydrated naturally. Include the bitter flavor in your diet. Bitter flavor stimulates the Fire Element; bitter foods include certain lettuces, and, in particular, bitter melon. Available in Asian groceries, this nubbly green melon is particularly consumed at this time of year to help the body deal with heat (stir-fry with beef and black bean sauce, or curry it).

3) Pay attention to your body, especially for signs of excess heat. If you feel your heart racing, which could be one sign of heat exhaustion, immediately get in the shade, lie down, and massage the tips of your pinky fingers. This stimulates a point on the Heart meridian that will help normalize heart rate.


Finally, looking ahead to July, the Sheltons are gearing up for the Internal Fitness Professional Association’s annual convention in Tampa, Florida.  Chris will give four presentations covering face reading, nutrition, qigong and naturally proper posture. We look forward to meeting new people and sharing Chinese secrets of health and vitality with the professionals who can then help millions of others. Our goal is to make Qigong a household practice, giving everyone the power of self-refinement!


Love & gratitude,


Chris & Parisa Shelton
Morning Crane Healing Arts & Fitness Center