
Protect yourself against Autumn sniffles- October Newsletter


Here we are in mid-October–the heart of Autumn.  The leaves on the trees have started to change color, cool nights are killing tomato and squash vines.  The days get shorter- and in a few weeks (Sunday, 11/3) Daylight Savings will end.  Even more important to remember right now is that, in thistransitional season of the Metal Element, the lungs are particularly susceptible to disease. People are getting sick right now because of the change in the season. Temperatures are fluctuating, sometimes catching people off-guard. There are two things you can do to protect yourself against Autumn sniffles:

1.  Fortify your body with foods that are pungent such as steamed or braised garlic and onions, cinnamon, and ginger.  This will stimulate and strengthen the flow of energy in the Lung and Large Intestine meridians.

2.  Take extra precautions to keep your chest and neck warm.  The acupuncture points on the neck are most susceptible to wind and cold.  Therefore, wearing a scarf helps prevent wind and cold from entering the body.

Also, this is a good time to review and resume practice of the exercise for the Metal Element.  This is a good time to address-and resolve-issues of sadness and sorrow.